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Energy & Utilities

The Importance of Bill Verification

Bill Verification: Why It Matters

With the current price of electricity, ensuring that you’re being billed correctly is crucial. With one of the standard features on our platform, Bill Verification, doing just that is an easy task.

How It Works

Bill Verification lets you compare our measured data against your power supplier's billing. By having your billing tariff assigned to your profile, you can do a per-line-item comparison to check for overbilling, both on service and consumptive charges.

Common Billing Errors

There are multiple reasons for incorrect billing. Some examples are as follows:

  • Estimated Usage: Councils sometimes bill based on estimated usage rather than actual readings, often leading to inflated bills.
  • Repetitive Billing: Some customers are charged the same amount every month regardless of actual usage.
  • Faulty Meters: Inaccurate readings due to faulty council meters.

Importance of Regular Checks

Regularly checking your bills helps protect you from overpaying for electricity. It’s also important to identify underbilling. If the council discovers underbilling, they can claim back up to 36 months of unpaid amounts. Being prepared for this can help you address the issue proactively.

Success Stories

Our Bill Verification tool has helped customers reclaim thousands, even millions, in overbilled charges. If a dispute arises, we guide you through the resolution process. The first step? Verify your bill on the Augos platform.

Get In Touch

Feel free to get in touch with our team who can guide you with their extensive utility knowledge.